Delegates will be placed into groups and will rotate through each of the three HSJ presentations and Q&As throughout the afternoon.

12.00 Registration and Lunch
12.45 Delegates move into the City Suite

Welcome and introduction from HSJ editor, Alastair McLellan: Labour's 10 year plan for the NHS
Spring 2025 will see the publication of the most important plan for the NHS's future development for over two decades. HSJ Editor, Alastair McLellan will explain what that is the case, and provide an overview of what the plan is likely to contain.

HSJ editor Alastair McLellan

13.20 Delegates move to Session 1 of 3 of presentations and Q&As

1. The future of primary, community and mental healthcare
New Health Secretary Wes Streeting told HSJ that a Labour government would shift a greater proportion of NHS spending out of the acute sector and into primary and community care.

This session will explore how this will be achieved, and in doing so examine the developing role of Integrated Care Boards, Place-based Partnerships and Neighbourhood Teams. It will also investigate whether the mental health sector will continue to receive increased investment. 

Deputy Editor Dave West and Deputy Bureau Chief Annabelle Collins.

 2. The recovery of elective and emergency care performance
The Labour government has committed itself to restoring NHS performance so it once again meets the standards contained within the NHS Constitution. The routes to meeting the elective care and diagnostic targets are at least known, though strewn with barriers. Delivering on the promise for cancer and, especially, emergency care looks close to impossible.

This session will explore how the acute sector will attempt to increase activity, reduce demand and smooth patient flow.

Bureau Chief James Illman and Senior Correspondent  Matthew Discombe.

3. What the NHS is buying – how and why?
The NHS is facing its greatest financial challenge in living memory. Almost every NHS system is in or heading towards deficit. Cost improvement plans are placing unprecedented demands on those who purchase on behalf of the NHS.

This session will explore the state of NHS finances, how procurement reforms will impact suppliers, and take a deep dive into spend on new technology.

Bureau Chief Ben Clover and Senior Correspondents Jack Serle and Henry Anderson.

14.25 Coffee Break
14.55 Session 2 of presentations and Q&As
15.55 Delegates move to Session 3 of presentations and Q&As
16.00 Session 3 of presentations and Q&As
17.00 Networking Drinks Reception



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